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Work Health and Safety Policy

The health, safety and welfare of all employees are of primary concern to the management of Cromford Pipe Holdings.  It is the policy of Cromford Pipe Holdings to provide safe working conditions and practices for all employees, contractors and customers throughout its operations.


This policy is to be achieved through the introduction and maintenance of an Occupational Health and Safety Management program based on ISO 45001:2018, which has as its aims:


  • Continuous example and proactive direction by all levels of management to ensure communication of the Company’s commitment to, and sincerity in, eliminating accidents.

  • Elimination of unsafe working conditions and practices and employment of all practical measures to safeguard employees from injury, including personal protective equipment.

  • Education of all employees in the use of established procedures and safe working practices, through formal and informal training programs.

  • The trained use of tools and equipment appropriate to the task.

  • The establishment and maintenance of effective procedures for the communication of accident investigation, results and actions to prevent recurrence.

  • Continuous review of safety performance and auditing of the safety program.

  • The implementation of formal rehabilitation programs designed to minimise the effect of any work related injury or illness.

  • To meet or exceed standards in statutes and legislation appropriate to our industry.


The Health and Safety Management Program will be developed, introduced and maintained by consultation between management and employees.  All employees are expected to make themselves aware of the Health and Safety Management Program and to comply with it in recognition of their responsibility to ensure their own Health and Safety and that of others in the workplace.

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